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Cansada de usar desodorantes que te lastiman y te dejan tus axilas irritadas?! Pues ahora tienes una opcion mas Natural!! NO SOLO te enamoraras de el OLOR pero tambien ayuda a tu piel y tus axilas a sanar y a controlar tu olor de axilas naturalmente con ingredientes que no te causen daño!! Hemos mezclado ingredientes que contienen beneficions excelentes, mira nadamas algunos de los beneficios en los ingredientes;


Acido Citrico; A diferencia de otros ácidos, el ácido cítrico también funciona como un antioxidante y ayuda con la piel grasosa. Neutraliza el PH natural de la piel y alivia el dolor muscular. Hidrata la piel y ayuda con piel grasa y minimiza aparencia de los poros.


Bicarbonato; Ayuda a minimizar aparencia de poros, antibacterial y anti-inflamatorio, reduce occurencias de acne, ayuda tambien a reducir la aparencia de cicatrizes.


Tea Tree EO; Antiinflamatorio que es perfecto para pieles problemáticas como el acné y ayuda a calmar / aliviar psoriasis. Antimicrobiano y como antiséptico, es efectivo contra muchos patógenos como bacterias, hongos y pie de atleta. Curador de heridas natural, puede ayudar con el enrojecimiento, la hinchazón y puede reducir las cicatrices del acné.


Mantequilla de Karite; Con altas concentraciones de ácidos grasos y Vitamina E, esta mantequilla no solo es sorprendente para suavizar la piel sino también como un aclarador natural de la piel. Un curandero natural antiinflamatorio y natural, ¡seguro que te enamorarás de esta mantequilla!


Aceite de Coco; El aceite de coco tiene unos beneficios buenicimos para la piel, como reducir la inflamación, mantener la piel hidratada y ayudar a sanar las heridas. Los ácidos grasos que se encuentran en el aceite de coco también poseen propiedades antimicrobianas que pueden ayudar a tratar el acné y proteger la piel de las bacterias dañinas.



Desodorante de Tea Tree y Cool Waters

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  • Tired of using deodorants that hurt you and leave your armpits irritated?! Well now you have a more Natural option!! Not only will you fall in love with the SMELL but it also helps your skin and underarms to heal and control your underarm odor naturally with ingredients that do not harm you!! We have gathered some of our best products to help you, just look at some of the benefits in the ingredients;

    Citric Acid; Unlike other acids, citric acid also works as an antioxidant and helps with oily skin. Neutralizes the natural PH of the skin and relieves muscle pain. Hydrates the skin and helps with oily skin and minimizes the appearance of pores.

    Baking Soda; Helps to minimize the appearance of pores, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory, reduces acne occurrences, also helps to reduce the appearance of scars.

    Lemongrass Essential Oil; Lemongrass has been an incredible oil that has excellent purifying properties by removing impurities and detoxifying the skin. It has excellent acne-fighting qualities (because it is antibacterial) and is a natural antioxidant. Lemongrass is also a natural astringent that helps control excess oil on the skin.

    Tea Tree EO; Anti-inflamatory which is perfect for problematic skin such as acne and helps calm/relief psoriasis. Anti-microbial and as an antiseptic it is effective against many pathogens such as bacteria, fungus, and athletes foot. A natural wound healer, it can help with redness, swelling and can reduce acne scars. 

    Arrowroot Powder; Arrowroot powder helps absorb moisture and keep skin dry. Arrowroot is a starch obtained from the rhizomes (rootstock) of various tropical plants, a more natural option and will not harm your armpits.

    Shea butter; With high concentrations of fatty acids and Vitamin E, this butter is not only surprising for smoothing the skin but also as a natural skin lightener. A natural anti-inflammatory and natural healer, you will surely fall in love with this butter!

    Coconut oil; Coconut oil has some great benefits for the skin, such as reducing inflammation, keeping the skin hydrated and helping to heal wounds. The fatty acids found in coconut oil also possess antimicrobial properties that can help treat acne and protect the skin from harmful bacteria.


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